One Small Step for Man

       Neil Armstrong as he stepped onto the moon July 20,1969 said; “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”


One small step for man quote

"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"

> Did we actually go to the moon?

> Why didn’t we go back to the moon?

> Why did Buzz Aldrin say we didn't go
    to the moon?

> Was the Moon Landing Faked?

> Why would they have faked the landing?



Was the moon landing filmed in the desert? Why haven’t other countries been able
to make it to the moon? Why hasn’t the U.S. gone back in 50 years? How were they
able to get to the Moon in 1969 with the limited capabilities of computers at the time?

Many people have ponder the truth of what did or did not happen on the NASA Space
Mission to the Moon on July 20, 1969. One must consider the obvious, which is why
has there not been additional moon landing trips, or why has no other country matched
or bettered the supposedly successful moon landing?

There are legitimate questions that cause many to re-think this event and the lack of
follow-up in future space travels. Take a minute to watch the video below to it's end
and decide for yourself if we did in fact, land on the moon in July 1969.



Buzz Aldrin answers this little girl's
question . . .
Little Girl asks: "Why has nobody been
to the Moon is such a long time?

Buzz Aldrin answers her: "That's not
an eight year olds question. That's My Question. I want to know, but I think I
know, because we didn't, go there , and
that's the way it happened, and if it didn't
happen, it's nice to know why it didn't
happen, and so, in the future, if we want
to keep doing something, we need to
know why something stopped in the past,
we wanted to keep it going
. . ."
One Small Step for Man If you are a conspiracy theorist or a
doubting Thomas, you are not alone. As
of late, many conspiracy theories have
been proven to be TRUE! Landing on the
moon is one of those events that shares
the delving questions that could be proven
to be FALSE.

There are some very interesting factual
and technical points of interest, involving
the actual capabilities of landing on the
moon. Credible sources discuss this in
the video above and warrant a watch and
do your own analysis after watching it.

We must realize that all that we see and hear is subjective to the person or persons
who wish to convey 'their' intent to others. Therefore, conspiracy theories are only
that until proven otherwise.





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